Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s negative response over SAD MP Harsimrat Kaur Badal’s question in the Lok Sabha on a mercy plea of death row prisoner Balwant Singh Rajoana has left the Sikh bodies dejected. Shah stated that the mercy petition could not be considered as it was submitted by a third party (SGPC) and not by Rajoana’s family members. He also added, unless a person regrets their action, there can be no mercy shown. The statement eclipses the fact that in 2019 the Center issued a notification on the occasion of the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev to commute Rajoana’s death sentence to life imprisonment and release eight Bandi Singhs (Sikh prisoners). When the SAD member raised the issue, she too chose to eclipse the fact that SAD was in power for a decade in Panjab and BJP was its coalition partner. Had SAD wanted to, they could have negotiated a release for Rajoana and the Bandi Singhs at that time. In the last two decades, the SGPC has tried many times to get Rajoana relief. In some ways, their credibility is at stake. Or rather, their ability to function within democracy while keeping the illusion of sovereignty alive in the Sikh community. Sikh thought clashes with India’s democracy and its mediators on Rajoana’s death sentence. Co-assassin of former Panjab CM Beant Singh, Rajoana has always maintained that he will not retract from his stand and is willing to accept the death penalty. Panthic ideologues also question the term ‘mercy petition.’ They say it should be called the ‘Constitution Reconsideration Petition.’
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