Baghi di Dhee (Daughter of a Rebel), directed by Mukesh Gautam, won ‘Best Punjabi Film’ at the 70th Indian National Film Awards. The film, based on an original story by freedom fighter and former Panjab CM Gurmukh Singh Musafir (15 Jan 1899 – 18 Jan 1976), depicts the courage of Deep, a young girl whose father was a Ghadar revolutionary. After killing a British officer, Deep is betrayed by a relative and drowned in a canal, while her father is imprisoned. The film was shot by Mukesh Gautam, a Chandigarh-based filmmaker, with child artist Dilnoor Kaur playing the role of Deep. Gautam believes the award will help bring wider recognition to Panjabi cinema, showcasing its evolving landscape and rich historical narratives. Meanwhile, Malavika Rajkotia’s book, Unpartitioned Time, also explores the lasting impact of 1947 Partition on the Sikh community. The memoir centers on her father, Jindoo, who fled Pakistan for India, highlighting the cultural and emotional scars that shaped his life. The book spans three generations, detailing life in Karnal during her grandparents’ era, the family’s escape during Partition, and the challenges Rajkotia and her sister faced due to their parents’ unresolved traumas. Through vivid storytelling and the integration of Panjabi dialogues, prayers, and Persian poetry, Rajkotia captures the essence of Sikh life. The book also reflects on the 1984 Sikh genocide, where Rajkotia recounts the chilling betrayal by friends who suggested her father cut his hair and beard to avoid suspicion. The narrative extends to the broader experience of Sikhs, addressing their large-scale migration and the constant threat of violence.
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