Union Minister of State for Railways and Food Processing, Ravneet Singh Bittu, recently spoke about his plans for Panjab. Bittu lost the recent general elections from Ludhiana but despite his defeat, was made a minister in PM Narendra Modi’s third term. By inducting former INC MP Bittu as a minister, the BJP seems to have sidelined the family of former CM Amarinder Singh, including his former union minister wife Preneet Kaur. Bittu, a three-time MP and first-time minister, says on railways, ‘As many as 40 small railway stations in the state are also being developed on the same pattern. Panjab has many missing railway links that are required to improve connectivity. I will bridge all those gaps. Focus will be on providing the best connectivity to Sikh shrines and other religious places from Panjab to the rest of the country.’ On food processing, he says, ‘I will try and alleviate the financial stress faced by the Panjab farmers. This ministry is focusing heavily on millet and grain processing.’ On Bandi Singhs (political prisoners), he says, ‘Sikh prisoners should be released. I have already stated that if needed, I will fight for the release of prisoners. If the union govt. has any plan to pardon or release Balwant Singh Rajoana, I will not oppose it (Rajoana is on death row for twenty-seven years for killing Bittu's grandfather, former INC CM of Panjab Beant Singh). I have discussed it with my family as well and I have convinced them on the issue. It’s time to move on. It’s time that Panjab moves on and adopts the path of reconciliation.’ (SDW Vol. 2 Issue 23, Story 2).
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