On 23 Sep, Panjab CM Bhagwant Singh Mann reshuffled his cabinet. Five new ministers have been inducted, while four ministers have been removed. The dropped ministers are Balkaur Singh, Chetan Singh Jouramajra, Brahm Shankar Jimpa, and Anmol Gagan Maan. The new faces joining the cabinet are Hardeep Singh Mundian, Tarunpreet Singh Sondh, Ravjot Singh, Barinder Goyal, and Mohinder Bhagat. The oath-taking ceremony took place at Raj Bhavan on 24 Sep. This reshuffle follows AAP’s landslide victory in the 2022 Panjab Assembly elections, where the party secured 92 seats. This marks the second major change in Panjab’s administration this month, after a significant reshuffling of 38 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers on 12 Sep. Meanwhile, the AAP in Panjab faces mounting unrest from several employee unions even as CM Mann, ministers, and MLAs are focused on campaigning for the upcoming Haryana elections on 5 Oct. While CM Mann and his team canvassed in Haryana, multiple protests erupted back home. Over 2,500 government doctors were on strike 9-14 Sep, suspending outpatient department (OPD) services in demand for assured career progression and other benefits. AAP is facing criticism from the Sanjha Mulazam and Pensioners’ Front, a collective of Panjab govt. employees and pensioners, who plan to hold a protest march, termed Ambala Cooch (March to Ambala), on 2 Oct. The collective aims to expose AAP’s unfulfilled promises in Panjab and urge the people of Haryana to vote wisely. In earlier elections AAP has misused Panjab funds for campaigning in other states such as Gujarat.
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