The Madhya Pradesh High Court has asked the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) to review objections raised by Sikh organizations against the film Emergency, by Kangana Ranaut. While the court did not issue a directive to halt the film’s release, it acknowledged that the movie had not yet been certified and remains under review by the CBFC. A division bench, comprising Acting Chief Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva and Justice Vinay Saraf, reviewed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) brought by the Jabalpur Sikh Sangat and Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Indore. The petitioners, represented by NS Ruprah, expressed concerns over the trailer, arguing it contains objectionable content that misrepresents the Sikh community and could potentially create tension between Sikhs and Hindus. The court did not take further action on the PIL and advised the petitioners to submit a detailed list of their objections to the CBFC within three days. In turn, the CBFC has been instructed to consider these objections and take appropriate action regarding the film. The High Court clarified that it had not taken a stance on the case’s merits and reserved the rights and arguments of both parties. Meanwhile, actor Gippy Grewal, while promoting his next film from the Ardas (prayers) series, called for the inclusion of a Sikh representative in the CBFC to ensure accurate representation of the Sikh community in films. Gippy argued that while the CBFC can flag broader issues, it may not identify religious misrepresentation. The SGPC also passed resolutions requesting a Sikh member on the board, but the SGPC claims their demands have fallen on ‘deaf ears’ (SDW Vol. 2 Issue 36, Story 4).
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