Following a directive from the Punjab and Haryana High Court (PHHC), on 7 Dec, Sikh preacher Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale, who leads a prominent dera (socio-religious organization) in Panjab, was booked for the alleged rape and murder of a woman that took place in 2012. Patiala police registered a First Information Report under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (new Indian Penal Code), acting on a complaint originally filed on 24 May 2012 by the victim’s brother. The officer who ignored the complaint at the time, then Station House Officer Ashok Kumar and then Deputy Superintendent of Police Sewa Singh, have been issued show-cause notices for their negligence. According to the petitioner’s submission before the PHHC, his sister was raped and poisoned inside the Dhadrianwale dera, and although her postmortem report indicated the presence of poison, the police took no action for 12 years. Dhardianwale has a history marred with controversies; amid traditionalists, he is seen as a reformist who is breaking conventions. In August 2020, the Akal Takht (Eternal Throne) ordered a boycott of his congregations worldwide until he apologized for remarks deemed offensive to Sikh Gurus and principles. Meanwhile, through a letter dated 10 Dec 2023 confirming that earlier permissions granted in August and September suffice, the Union govt. has informed the PHHC that it has approved the installation of advanced V-Kavach (armour) jammers in Panjab jails. Additional Solicitor General Satya Pal Jain announced the move as PHHC monitors Panjab’s efforts to curb cell phone use by jailed gangsters. Proceedings began after gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s jail interviews aired on 14 and 17 Mar 2023 (SDW Vol 2, Issue 45, Story 4).
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