After over a week in which farmers kept vigil on Shubhkaran Singh's body, the Panjab govt. agreed to a post-mortem which revealed what farmers alleged: an injury mark on the occipital region (the rearmost region of the skull) and his body bore no other injury marks. The Panjab police filed a zero First Information Report (FIR) without naming Haryana police as the aggressor. Zero FIR has no jurisdictional constraints. The Punjab and Haryana High Court (PHHC) has asked Panjab and Haryana to place on record their orders suspending the internet and has sought Shubhkaran's post-mortem report. It had earlier asked under what rules the states have barricaded the roads. Finally, Shubhkaran's body was brought to Khanauri interstate border where farmers paid their respects and then taken for cremation to his village Balloh in Bathinda district. At the Shambhu border, farmers from Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Adivasi farmers are collecting. Farmers from Panjab wonder, if India wants to place barricades, why don’t they head to nearby Lahore? Sarvan Singh Pandher from Kisan Mazdoor Morcha (KMM) — who had earlier provided documentation of his efforts to take Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) along — and Jagjit Singh Dallewal from SKM (Non-Political) gave the next call. Since the government has repeatedly said farmers must come to New Delhi by bus or train and not on tractors, now nationwide farmers should leave their tractors and trolleys behind to march to Delhi on foot, bus, and rail on 6 Mar. They have also called for a rail roko (stop all trains) nationwide on 10 Mar. It remains to be seen whether the government will even allow this march.
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