On 6 Feb, the Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU), (Ekta Ugrahan), started a day-night protest against the AAP government in 16 districts. The protest continued until 10 Feb. The protest started on the day the Panjab government started its public outreach program AAP di Sarkar AAP de Dwaar (AAP government at your doorstep). Sukhdev Singh Kokrikalan, general secretary of BKU (Ekta-Ugrahan), said, ‘despite the harsh weather, their members have started the protest against the Panjab government’s farmer and labor policies, debt relief issues, and other agricultural matters.’ Farmers have set up tents outside deputy commissioner offices in seeking an agriculture policy among other demands. On 8 Feb, in Delhi, farmers from 160 villages of Noida and Greater Noida moved towards the Indian Parliament with their demands. Briefly, the farmers blocked the NOIDA-Agra ExpressWay inconveniencing lots of commuters. The farmers are protesting against ad hoc land acquisition by builders and others. They are seeking a uniform policy. They cite the example of the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) which acquired their land promising jobs to their families and a hospital. Neither has happened and they protested for two months in front of the NTPC office. The Uttar Pradesh farmers' protest was muddled with the call from some unions in Panjab to march to Delhi on 13 Feb. Meanwhile, the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) has written to opposition political parties seeking support for their nationwide industrial strike and rural blockade. SKM has also expressed displeasure over the layered barricading on Delhi and Haryana borders over the 13 Feb SKM (Non-Political) and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha Chalo Dilli (March to Delhi) protest.
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