After late singer Sidhu Moose Wala's parents had a second son last week, the Indian government has pointed out the age limit for conceiving a child via In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) method. The health ministry letter said, ‘Under the Section 21(g) of the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021, the age limit prescribed for a woman going under ART services is between 21-50 years and 21-55 years for men.’ The singer's father, Balkaur Singh, said he has followed all legal requirements and will produce all the documents. AAP responded by reacting to the health ministry letter on X. ‘The Central Govt. has sought a report from Govt. of Panjab regarding IVF treatment of Smt. Charan Singh. CM Bhagwant Mann always respects the sentiments and dignity of Panjabis. It is the Central Govt. that has asked for the documents!’ The Panjab govt. has now issued a show cause notice to the State Principal Health Secretary on how he can seek response from the family without bringing it to the attention of the CM or state Health Minister. Advocate HS Phooka has opined on X, ‘Governments have no power to question any couple. Under Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2021 conditions apply only to Clinics.’ The doctor asks, ‘Moosewala’s mother came to me when she was pregnant, how could I have denied her treatment?’ The family has named the baby Shubhdeep after the late singer, their first son. The baby arrived home and the father has urged people to wait for a few days to meet the newborn. Last week the late singer, the baby, and the father were featured on the Times Square billboard. (SDW Vol. 2 Issue 12, Story 10).
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