Panjab experienced 27 heatwave days in 2024 so far, marking the highest in the past decade. The data was revealed by Union Minister of State for Earth Sciences Jitender Singh in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) on 31 Jul 2024. In 2022, Panjab recorded 22 heatwaves and in 2023 only 7. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) defines a heatwave as occurring when the maximum temperature in the plains reaches at least 40℃ or 30℃ in hilly areas. Additionally, Panjab received 44% deficit rainfall in Jun 2024 compared to the long-period average, exacerbating the heat. Surender Pal, director of IMD Chandigarh, attributed the high number of heatwave days to El Niño and the absence of strong western disturbances, which usually bring cooler winds. The state received only 117 mm of rainfall against the expected 209.9 mm. This shortfall is the highest in the country, followed by a 41% deficit in Jharkhand and a 40% deficit in the Haryana-Delhi-Chandigarh region. The lack of rain has adversely impacted agriculture, particularly affecting cotton growers in the Malwa region, who are now facing the possibility of a Whitefly infestation. Lack of rain and increased temperatures create conditions for whitefly infestations to spread among cotton plants, decimating farmers and destroying crops. Also, Panjab is experiencing a significant groundwater crisis, with nearly 70% of its wells showing a decline in water levels as of Nov 2023. Some wells have seen a drop of over four meters. Interestingly, groundwater levels in 12 districts in adjoining Haryana have gone up by over one meter through schemes to promote water conservation and recharge.
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