Between 2011 and 2024, Himachal Pradesh (HP) and Panjab have recorded significant rises in their elderly populations, outpacing the national average increase of 2%, according to the State Bank of India’s Ecowrap report. HP’s elderly population grew by 2.9% from 10.2% to 13.1%, placing it fourth nationally, while Panjab’s rose from 10.3% to 12.6%, the sixth highest in the country. In contrast, Haryana saw a smaller increase of 1.1% from 8.7% to 9.8%, below the national average. Kerala recorded the highest jump, increasing by 3% from 12.6% to 16.5%, followed by Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Assam have the lowest proportions of elderly populations. Experts highlight that despite advancements in healthcare leading to increased life expectancy, states must enhance medical and tertiary care services to address the complex needs of the elderly, particularly for chronic conditions. Declining fertility and birth rates have accelerated population aging. Both HP and Panjab face challenges due to acute shortages of doctors, especially specialists (SDW Vol. 2, Issue 40, Story 7). India’s senior living market is expanding in north India as more seniors in their 60s prefer buying independent units in culturally rich areas like Varanasi and other religious spots. A report from 2023 raised alarms that India’s elderly population will double by 2050, overtaking the number of children.
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