Shiromani Akali Dal Member of Parliament called Raghav Chadha ‘Arvind Kejriwal’s blue-eyed boy.’ After the Aam Aadmi Panjab won Panjab elections in March 2022, Chadha was nominated to the Rajya Sabha from the state and appointed advisor to Panjab Chief Minister – a move widely seen as reminiscent of the British-era Regents to Indian Princely States so Delhi-based AAP can control the governance in Panjab. Recently Chadha married Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra at Udaipur. The opulent wedding involved hundreds of security men and bullet-proof land cruisers from Panjab CM’s security detail. BJP leader Varendra Sachdeva, asked if Chadha shows an annual income of ₹0.24 million in his election affidavit, how could he book the Maharaja Suite - which costs ₹1 million per night - for his wedding? While Panjab leaders are splurging on such private events, the debt of financially stressed Panjab has risen by ₹500 billion during the one-and-a-half-year AAP regime. The Governor has sought details of utilization of this huge amount from the state government.
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