The Punjab Language Department has commenced a major digitization project covering approximately 118K rare and valuable books in its reference library, with around 68K texts in Gurmukhi (Panjabi script) and the remainder in Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, and English. Initiated on 9 Jan, the effort is carried out in partnership with the Panjab Digital Library (PDL) and overseen by Language Department Director Jaswant Singh Zafar. Zafar explained the dual objectives are to preserve the state’s literary heritage and establish the Panjabi language more firmly within the realm of artificial intelligence. PDL will be running the operation, which initially involves an eight-member team working across four units, scanning an estimated 30M pages to create extensive e-book archives. Among these are 542 ancient manuscripts that previously faced risk of deterioration, plus historical texts, contemporary Sikh writings, world classics, old maps, and other significant works—some dating back three centuries. At the same time, the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) has unveiled a comprehensive Guru Granth Sahib Online Dictionary offering extensive resources for those interested in the Sikh scripture. Launched on 5 Jan, the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh, this initiative is part of SikhRI’s ongoing Guru Granth Sahib Project and aims to serve both lay readers and scholars. The dictionary is in both English and Panjabi, and includes detailed linguistic analyses, commentaries, translations, and research notes incorporating the historical, poetical, and musical dimensions of the Guru Granth Sahib. Meanwhile, renowned Sikh poet Daljit Nagra, chair of the UK’s Royal Society of Literature stepped down from the 205-year-old literary charity amid a controversy over alleged censorship and lowered standards. The turmoil at the society stems partly from discontent over accusations of censorship following the removal of an article critical of Israel from the annual Review magazine.
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