In 2023, a total of 96,555 Indian nationals visited the Kartarpur Sahib gurdwara in Pakistan, paying over $2M in fees. The fee, set at $20 per visitor, allows visa-free entry to the shrine. The data was presented to the Rajya Sabha (Upper House) on 8 Aug, revealing an increase in visitors from 2022 from 86,097. The Kartarpur Corridor, which allows pilgrims to travel to the gurdwara located just 2 km from the Indian border in Gurdaspur district, was established through a bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan on 24 Oct 2019. Pakistan’s Sikhs still face discrimination and sporadic attacks. On 11 Aug, three days before Pakistan’s Independence Day, the country’s Sikh and Hindu communities observed "National Minority Day" to bring attention to continuous attacks, persecution, and discrimination they face. Since 2013, approximately 30 Sikh politicians, activists, and businessmen have been killed in targeted attacks. Radesh Singh Tony, former parliamentary candidate, survived three assassination attempts in 2018, which forced him and his family to seek refuge in India. Recently, Pakistan police have rescued a Sikh woman, identified as ‘MK,’ and her minor son from alleged illegal confinement in Faisalabad, where they were held for nine months by two brothers. The woman was allegedly raped and tortured. Faisalabad City Police raided the suspects’ house on 14 Aug 2024 and successfully rescued the mother and her son.
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