Russia Resumes Fertilizer Trade with United States, Ends Discounts to India


In the midst of the Ukraine war - which is, in effect, a challenge to NATO and the United States’ hegemony in world affairs - Russia has resumed trading fertilizer with Europe and the US. Russia is halting the discounts it was previously giving to India. India had previously reaped benefits after the Western countries together imposed sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine. Russia was compelled to sell fertilizers to India due to a lack of demand from Europe, resulting in lower prices compared to those from Morocco and Jordan. Experts say, for now, the rise in fertilizer prices will not impact the farmers as they get subsidies on it. The shift in trade dynamics is expected to increase the Indian government’s expenditure on fertilizer subsidies. The question is if Russia is exporting essentials like oil, fertilizers, and grains to the West, then what is the war about?

Photo by GOI

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