SAD has formally accepted the resignation of Sukhbir Singh Badal as party chief. This decision was taken over a month after Akal Takht (Eternal Throne; AT) Jathedar (Leader) Giani Raghbir Singh issued an edict 2 Dec directing SAD to accept Badal’s resignation. Badal had initially tendered his resignation on 16 Nov 2024. On 30 Aug 2024, Badal was declared tankhaiya (guilty of religious misconduct) by the AT, leading to his ongoing religious punishment. However, SAD is yet to implement the edict calling for a membership drive under the observation of a new working committee. SAD leaders argue taking guidance from AT to reconstitute the party would violate the Election Commission of India’s rule that political parties cannot be religiously oriented (WD Vol 3, Issue 2, Story 4). SAD has been quoting from the SR Bommai Case, 1994 to assert independence from AT to start its recruitment drive. Former SAD general secretary Manjit Singh Khaira has written to AT Jathedar contradicting SAD’s reservations. Concurrently, the Punjab and Haryana High Court (PHHC) has barred SAD from contesting the upcoming Haryana Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (HSGMC) elections slated for 19 Jan, as per the Haryana Sikh Gurdwara (Management) Act, 2014, which prohibits registered political parties under the Representation of the People Act, 1951 from participating as a group. The court dismissed SAD’s plea, emphasizing that while individual politicians can run, the party cannot contest collectively. Additionally, the PHHC rejected petitions for caste and gender-based reservations in Sikh religious elections, stating such measures contradict Sikhi’s fundamental principles of equality and unity as espoused by Guru Nanak. The bench stated reservations based on caste and gender undermine the philosophy of a casteless society, highlighting practices like langar (community kitchen) as embodiments of Sikhi’s oneness.
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