Late Panjabi rapper Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu aka Sidhu Moosewala's father Balkaur Singh and his mother Charan Kaur have welcomed a son, close to two years after the singer's murder. Taking to Instagram on 16 Mar, Balkaur shared posts, giving a glimpse of the baby. Balkaur captioned the video in Panjabi, ‘With the blessings of millions of souls who love Shubhdeep, the Almighty has put Shubh's younger brother in our lap. With the blessings of Vahiguru (Awesome-Wisdom), the family is healthy and I'm thankful to all the well-wishers for their immense love.’ Though Balkaur never stated it, family sources confirmed in February that Sidhu's mother, Charan Kaur, underwent IVF (In vitro fertilization) and was successful in conceiving a baby. Sidhu Moosewala, 28, was shot dead on 29 May 2022 at Mansa. The assailants fired over 30 rounds. Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi – locked in Tihar Jail – took responsibility for the murder. Moosewala gave voice to Panjab’s angst and achieved huge fame within five years of launching his career (SDW Vol. 1 Issue 12, Story 9). Balkaur and Charan have knocked on every door for justice but to no avail. On receiving the news of the birth, a wave of happiness swept through Panjab and the refrain among Moosewala’s fans was: the king is back. Moosewala had joined the INC before his death. INC Panjab congratulated the family and fans. The birth reminds us of when kings used to marry multiple times to produce a male heir, but it also marks the resilience of Panjab. When the justice system failed, the family took matters into its own hands. The hope is the family moderates its expectations from the child and he grows up away from the gaze of Panjab’s paparazzi.
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