It is ironic that on the 40th anniversary of ‘Operation Blue Star,’ the Indian general election voting date for Panjab was 1 Jun — the same date that Indian security forces began their attack on Harimandar Sahib and Akal Takht complex (“Golden Temple complex”) in 1984. The operation took place from 1-10 Jun, during which period, this year, the election results were declared and the union cabinet swearing-in took place. India has moved on to elect a right-wing govt. – proponents of a Hindu nation – for the third time. Panjab’s scars remain unaddressed. Traditionally, Sikhs mark the Operation as ‘Ghallughara’ (genocidal campaign and resistance) anniversary on 6 Jun. This year too Sikhs assembled at the Akal Takht. Along with solemn prayers, some pro-Khalistan slogans were raised. The Dal Khalsa organized a ‘holocaust remembrance’ procession in memory of those who lost their lives during the Operation. A senior journalist who covered the events and the 1984 genocide says, ‘The operation’s security, political and even foreign policy ramifications remain possibly the most wanton of all such internal security actions conducted in post-Independence India and ones that continue to resonate in some mutated form even today.’ In Canada, during the Sikh procession in front of the Indian consulate in Vancouver, a float appeared depicting the assassination of the late PM Indira Gandhi. India will raise the issue with Canada. In the UK, the Labour party has promised to re-investigate the involvement of then British PM Margeret Thatcher in Britain's role in the Operation. Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh, said, ‘Instead of repeatedly pleading with Delhi for the political, geographical and economic rights of Panth and Panjab, there is a need to promote Sikh politics based on the concept of Khalsa’s precepts.’

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