In 2023, the Martyrdom Week when Sikhs pay homage to Guru Gobind Singh’s four Sahibzade (Sovereign’s sons) started on an odd note. On 22 Dec, Panjab Chief Minister Mann said mourning notes would be sounded on 27 Dec during the Shahidi Sabha (Martyrdom gathering). Mann missed the important distinction that Sikhs do not mourn the Sahibzade, they pay homage to their martyrdom. When faced with opposition, Mann withdrew his orders. On a positive note, after nearly 50 years, the Hindu Ghorewaha Kachwaha Rajput community representatives visited Chamkaur Sahib to relish their rich history with Guru Gobind Singh. After leaving Anandpur Sahib, Guru Gobind Singh fortified at Chamkaur Sahib where the historic battle was fought in December 1704. A small number of Sikhs took on the huge army of the Mughals and the hill kings. The Guru’s elder sons, Sahibzada Ajit Singh, 18 years, and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, 14 years, were martyred. The fort belonged to Rai Budhi Chand whose descendants came down to pay homage. Rai Harendra Singh Ghorewaha thanked the SGPC for inviting them. Takht Damdama Sahib Talwandi Sabo Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh said, ‘Hill kings took an oath on the cow, and Mughal governors took an oath on the Quran, after which both sides reached an agreement that if Guru Gobind Singh left Anandpur Sahib, then there would be no war. They broke their oaths. But there were Muslims like Nabhi Khan and Ghani Khan and devotees like Rai Budhi Chand who came forward to serve Guru Gobind Singh. This part of history is important these days and needs to be relished when distorted historical interpretations are used to create a divide between communities.’
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