Indian PM Narendra Modi was in the US for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, commonly known as the Quad meet. Before Modi’s arrival, US officials met with Sikh activists on 19 Sep, to discuss threats faced by Sikhs in the US, including a foiled murder plot against activist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in 2023. The meeting – initiated by the White House and attended by Sikh advocates, including members of the American Sikh Caucus Committee, the Sikh Coalition, and the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF) – marked the first official engagement with such Sikh groups. US officials assured the Sikh community of their commitment to protecting Americans from acts of transnational repression, which refers to govt.’s harassing or harming individuals abroad. The meeting occurred amid India’s concerns that Canada and the US were offering shelter to Khalistani separatists. SALDEF also expressed support for a newly introduced bill, the Transnational Repression Reporting Act of 2024, by Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff, which aims to hold foreign govt.’s accountable for acts of transnational repression. The bill calls for the US Attorney General to report on cases of transnational repression against Americans, bringing transparency and punitive measures. The Biden administration has pressed India to investigate the murder plot against Pannun, who holds dual US-Canadian citizenship. India denies any involvement in the case.
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