On 29 Mar, Tarsem Singh, Dera Kar Seva Pramukh (head of voluntary service organization), was fatally shot at Nanakmatta Gurdwara, Udham Singh Nagar. At approximately 6 am, two unidentified assailants on a motorcycle entered the Dera's open gates and opened fire at Tarsem Singh. The Nanakmatta Gurdwara is an important shrine and was once called Gorakhmata, a center of Siddh-Jogis (‘Proven’ Yoga Masters) named after their founder Gorakh Nath. This is where the founder of Sikh faith Guru Nanak had a long discourse with siddhas on matters of religion and metaphysics. The land for the Gurdwara was donated by Nawab Mehndi Ali Khan and voluntary service began in 1975. Since the 1980s, Tarsem Singh has been the head of voluntary services and allegedly a polarizing figure in society who is close to all political parties. In July 2021, Tarsem Singh invited the recently appointed Uttrakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami to the Gurdwara. During Dhami’s visit, young girls performed a dance program, the recitation of sacred hymns was repeatedly interrupted, the guest was adorned with a silver crown, and pro-BJP slogans were raised. This led to the managing committee of the Gurdwara being asked to resign, citing blasphemy to the Sikh Rehat Maryada (code of conduct). The SGPC inquired into the events and the Akal Takht awarded religious punishment to Tarsem Singh and three committee members. The Uttarakhand govt. has formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to pursue the matter. As per the 2011 Census, Sikhs form 2.34% of the state’s population; they are close to 10% in Udham Singh Nagar district which borders Uttar Pradesh.
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