Addressing a rally in Khetla village in the Sangrur constituency on 18 May, INC candidate Sukhpal Singh Khaira called for a law which would bar a migrant from buying land or becoming voters or getting govt. jobs if that person does not fulfill certain state-stipulated conditions. Khaira expressed concern over Panjabis’ increasing exodus to foreign countries, claiming that if the trend continues, Panjab’s natives would become a minority in the state. Khaira, a three-term Member of Legislative Assembly, has repeated his remarks at his subsequent rallies, and drawn sharp criticism from the Panjab-ruling AAP and the India-ruling BJP over it. On 21 May, PM Modi, without naming Khaira, told a rally in Bihar’s Maharajganj: ‘They [INDIA bloc] are insulting Bihar people. A Congress leader says people from Bihar should be boycotted, shouldn’t be given rights in Panjab or allowed to buy a house there, but the royal family [Gandhis] keeps mum over it. Their mind is full of such hatred.’ Khaira accused PM Modi of ‘twisting’ his remarks, denying that he mentioned Biharis or called for a migrants’ boycott. ‘We have no objection if any non-Panjabi wants to earn a livelihood in Panjab but if they want to settle down permanently they should fulfill conditions similar to Himachal Pradesh Tenancy Act 1972 or in Uttarakhand and Gujarat. This is imperative as our demographic situation is in danger due to massive migration of Panjabis worldwide,’ he said. CM Mann said, ‘It is not correct to demand such an Act as Panjabis believe in Sarbat da Bhala (prosperity for all).

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