Ever since the INC refused to nominate Kamal Nath to Rajya Sabha, there has been speculation about the INC leader – once considered Indira Gandhi’s third son – joining the BJP. Nath has been union cabinet minister multiple times and is a former CM of Madhya Pradesh. Though never formally charged, for last four decades, Sikhs and human rights advocates maintain Nath instigated violence at Gurdwara Rakab Ganj during the 1984 Sikh genocide. The Nanavati Commission also recorded evidence against Nath. Journalist Sanjay Suri mentioned Nath’s role in the violence in his book 1984: The Anti-Sikh Violence and After and in this interview (SDW Vol. 1 Issue 6, Story 1). Nath’s supposed bid to join BJP is stalled. BJP’s Sikh leaders Tejinder Bagga and RP Singh expressed their reservations. Over the years, BJP has accused Nath of violence towards Sikhs. INC has continued to defend Nath even as late as recent Madhya Pradesh assembly elections (SDW Vol. 1 Issue 8, Story 4). The move is also stalled because it would have alienated BJP’s Sikh members and jeopardized BJP’s talks with SAD for an alliance. Additionally, the Farmers’ Protest is continuing, and a majority of the farmers are Sikh. Nath’s son Nakul Nath recently dropped the term ‘Congress’ from his X handle and effusively welcomed Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav to their family turf, Chhindwara. Nath’s aide has said he is selecting candidates for Lok Sabha elections, which could cost INC dearly, as did his leadership in the last state elections.
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